Last time we met, I mesmerized you I’m sure, with a formula designed to help move you from the Work you are doing to the Service you could be providing to society.
Remember, this is all about the third slope of Freedom Mountain and the elements that are part of making that climb. We went quickly through them, but today I want to explore them in more depth with you.
But first….I have a story for you! Can’t help it…I’m Irish…goes with the territory.
A guy walks into my office and says “Should I tell you about my problem?” Now I know this fellow has been dealing with the same problem for at least six or seven years. He’s talked with many experts, taken lots of different meds, followed various treatments and nothing much has changed. So I say, “No, let’s not talk about the problem today. Why should we go on talking about the problem. You are not just a problem to be solved….you’re a mystery to be embraced.”
Well! Once he got his head around all of that, he sputters, “ Then what will we talk about?”
“What are you interested in? I ask and he perks right up and says, “Oh that’s easy! I love architecture…the history of it…everything about architecture!”
So to make a long story short (which is not really part of my heritage:), we spent his sessions talking about architecture, why he loved it and how he might include that love in his life. Needless to say, but I’ll say it anyway, several years later he was studying for his PHD in Architecture, playing sports, in a relationship, on fewer meds and publishing articles! This fellow is a living example of how well the Purpose Formula works. He started by stating his passion and put his attention onto that, instead of, once again, onto his problem.
We are whatever we put our attention on.
Do you have your Purpose Formula in front of you? Just checking because as promised, I’m going to get you to respond quickly to a bunch of questions aimed at helping you move from Work to Service. If you haven’t downloaded the Formula yet, just grab some paper and a pen and get ready, OK?
Imagine you’re hearing a Game Show theme …it might help you get in the mood:)
Don’t think about your answers …be spontaneous …write down the first things that come to you.
Here we go!
True Nature…what is it for you? Where does your stillness come from…what is the source? Do you feel it in music, in a temple, in church, in art? Put a name to it and write it down.
Essential Qualities…what are your essential qualities? Buddha, Jesus, Dalai Lama…they all have qualities like compassion, gentleness, kindness. Write down whatever comes to you as your essential qualities.
Natural Gifts…when friends describe you, what do they say about you? Are you a great teacher, communicator, artist…whatever it is, just write it down.
Personality Resistance…what fear holds you back? Is there a particular resistance you recognize right away? Write it down.
Meaningful Need…what area do you find yourself attracted to? Are you more inclined to read stories about…the environment? injustice? What draws your attention?
OK…that’s it. Hold onto that piece of paper. We’re going to really drill down into all those areas so eventually, you can stand up for what you truly care about.
We need models, especially now, we need models of beauty and wisdom to share with the world .
You can be one of those models…a leader of authenticity…an inspiration for a meaningful life.
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