I feel like the opening song to some big musical today!! I’m busting to talk with you about the third slope of Freedom Mountain!
We’ve covered the other two slopes – Self and Relationships with lots of information and yes….free training – on how to become your true self and how to take better care of your Body, Mind and Heart.
We also dove into Relationships – how to Love Unafraid – how to have the kind of relationships you long for. If you’ve missed any of this – it’s not too late – it’s never too late! Just check out my website and scroll back to some of those essential topics.
And now – here we are – ready to take on the third slope of Freedom Mountain – Work/Service. What that means is moving from what you do everyday to make money, put food on the table, claw your way to the top of the corporate ladder to – what you actually were made to do! There is a bridge between your small, work-a-day self – if you don’t mind me referring to you in that way for a moment – to your great big, joyful Self – doing what brings you the greatest happiness and fills you up so that you overflow with gifts for the rest of your community.
Are you hearing the music? I’m thinking “Oklahoma!” or something like that.
So in Act one, you are doing what you can to get by…but you have a dream. It may not even be a clear picture yet…but you know there’s something else. And over the next ten weeks, I’m going to open windows to reveal what that dream can be. We’re going to do it together. So that the Big Finale will be a soul-inspiring, beauty-dripping, heart-rousing anthem that tells the world who you really are. Is that exciting enough?
So whether you’re a young person just starting off on your career path or you’re a mid-age person questioning the choices you made or an older person thinking it’s time for you to take on the role of an Elder….this next series is for you. It’s going to help you cross over that bridge from Work to Service…from barely holding on …to stepping firmly into your Territory, the place you were always meant to be, deeply rooted, powerful and sustainably prosperous.
At the risk of sounding like a Magic Elixir-selling salesman, I’m here to tell you – there’s a Formula for that – a formula to help you cross the bridge. Are you ready for it? Here it is:
Got it?
OK…don’t worry it’s all going to be crystal clear.
TN means True Nature. You’ve learned quite a bit about your true nature from our series on the Self, but we’re going to go deeper into that arena in terms of your work life.
EQ stands for Essential Qualities. These are qualities like love, compassion, patience etc. that help us build a solid foundation, if we incorporate them into our lives.
NG is Natural Gifts. If you don’t know what your natural gifts are right now, get ready to be amazed at the abundant gift basket you’re holding onto!
PR means Personality Resistance. You might be familiar with that, right? That resistance that keeps us from being all we know we can be…the ego, the need to be a victim, the need to control, the critic, the perfectionist….and on and on. We’re human – resistance comes with the territory. And we can find a way to work with it, rather than allowing it to take over completely! In fact the resistance can be a positive thing because this is where we find our courage…a necessary ingredient to crossing this bridge.
MN stands for Meaningful Need. This is the purring motor that keeps us moving – the issue that always seems to draw our attention and curiosity… it could be the environment or children or equality or opening to beauty in nature or in art.
All of this adds up to PURPOSE…the real, meaningful direction of your life. What an amazing discovery that can be! We can spend a lot of time barking up wrong trees, following other people’s advice or just stumbling into whatever pops up on our path. By following this formula, you can arrive at your true purpose in life….the answer to that age-old question, ‘What’s it all about?”
That’s just the tip of the iceberg…we will go into each of these areas in much more depth and we’ll make it very personal – to your situation, your dreams.
To get ready for all of this, here’s what I want you to do. First, download the Purpose Formula from below:
Second, come ready next time with paper and pen to answer some rapid fire questions that I’m going to throw at you.
And listen to “Oklahoma!” I think it’ll get you in the mood:) See you next time!
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