Micheal Talbot-Kelly (MTK) takes a holistic approach and blends it with the wisdom of storytelling. His approach spans across psychology, physiology, neuroscience and mindfulness.
#101-1529 West 6th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6J 1R1
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 604-317-1613
A meaningful, fulfilling life awaits those courageous enough to pursue it. This isn’t a magic bullet, or a one-off. It is, however, a workbook containing a set of exercises and insights designed to help you reframe the way you navigate life. Discover what the meaningful life that awaits.
A meaningful, fulfilling life awaits those courageous enough to pursue it. This isn’t a magic bullet, or a one-off. It is, however, a workbook containing a set of exercises and insights designed to help you reframe the way you navigate life. A resource and tool-kit to help you identify and nurture the strengths and characteristics required to lead into life’s mystery with purpose and clarity.
The journey is lifelong and––at times––painful and difficult, though the rewards are plentiful and very real. Are you prepared to lean into life’s mystery and design your life?
© 2007-2018 Michael Talbot-Kelly
Take the Free Self Assessment to discover your natural talents.
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