You know that the mind is a powerful thing!
With a few blinking synapses, it can convince you that you are the world’s biggest loser one moment and the next you’re the stunning talent the world’s been waiting for! You know how it goes.
Therefore, hence, ergo….I want to talk today about using that incredible power to get you to your Life Purpose now! Why wait?
Could it possibly be that easy you may ask? Let’s dive into it….
Even if you feel you are not there yet…you might think you are a only a 3/10 in your Self area or a 4/10 in terms of your Relationship and you’re just beginning to look at your Work/Service area, I’m here to tell you something amazing. You can be ON your Purpose now.
I’ll let that sink in. You can be on your Purpose now …
What I mean, is that you can step into your King or Queen role right now by asking yourself, “What would my King or Queen do in this situation? How would he/she respond?” Your imagination can paint a picture for you or supply you with just the right words. Then you can make decisions based on what you imagine your higher self would choose. You can live as if you are already a King or Queen…on your Purpose, infused with the joy and wisdom of your higher power. Does this make sense? Maybe that’s the wrong question. I’ll put it another way.
Are you willing to try this?
Of course, you continue working your program…you keep fulfilling your Self-Care routines. You continue to move towards deeper intimacy in your relationships. You step into inquiry about moving from simply working at your job, to becoming what you were truly designed to be. All of this commitment is still there…you continue the climb up Freedom Mountain. But in the meantime, you can use your imagination to place yourself precisely where you want to be.
You know the story about the Hare and the Tortoise, right? The Hare was so confident that he just took a nap half-way through the race. The Tortoise was slow, but kept going …slowly but steadily, he passed the sleeping Hare and won the race. Ha!
Well, that’s one way of looking at the story, but as usual, I have an alternate interpretation for you. In this story, we are both the Hare and the Tortoise. We live in both worlds. And the decision to step into your King or Queen means that you combine both paths in your life. Sometimes you need to make lists and check off things that need doing. Other times you take life more slowly, look inside and leave room for breathing and noticing. Being the King or the Queen means you encompass it all.
What I’m really saying is this – BE the person you want to be – be that person now! Step into that soul ability…be the genuine King or Queen – the real deal! There are plenty of false kings and queens out there. They may have the outfit, but there’s a coldness, a brittleness to them. It’s all a surface act. They are not coming from wholeheartedness.
You want to bring warmth to your True King or True Queen…bring generosity of spirit, of time, of money. Genuine, Generous and there’s one more ‘G” to keep in mind. Generative. That means that wherever you go, whomever you meet along the way, you are generating positive energy. The conversations around you are meaningful and courageous. You really are the pebble that ripples out into the village…bringing warmth and truth to those around you…and bringing those qualities out in others!
So here’s what I want you to do. Bring this quality of the genuine, generous and generative King or Queen to every conversation you have from now on. Live AS IF you are the person you want to be. Evidence shows that this approach leads to real joy, intimacy and success. So why not give it a try.
I can’t think of a good reason why not…can you?
Next time, we can talk more about how to embody this even more deeply, but in the meantime, breath into your King’s soul, walk like the Queen you really are. Be genuine, generous and generative.
Don’t wait…be your Life Purpose now!