When you were a little squirt, just starting to notice the world around you, I bet your first question was “Why?” And I’m pretty sure you kept repeating it until your mom and dad were climbing the kitchen wall! Well, it was a good question then and it’s a good question now.
You might indeed be asking yourself “Why?” right about now. “Why should I transform my work into service? Why can’t I stay where I am…my job’s OK…can’t that be good enough? Why do I have to answer the call? It sounds like a lot of bother!”
Good for you! It’s always smart to question the reasons for making changes in your life…don’t just take someone else’s word for it…do your due diligence, as they say in the cop shows.
As you know full well, I have been talking on and on to you for the past 10 videos all about the brilliant idea of moving from your possibly saggy, mediocre, narcissistic life into the full expression of who you really are. That sounded a bit judgemental, didn’t it. Well let me put it another way….there’s an amazing way you can live a more meaningful life that is full of joy and satisfaction! And in my usual tricky way, I’m going to tell you a story to help make my point.
I mentioned the word ‘narcissistic’ a few lines back. Now Narcissus —the guy responsible for our using that colourful word – gets a bad rap….and I’ll tell you why. (I’m going to get back to your question Why? soon, I promise). Narcissus was sitting on the bank of a river, staring down into his reflection. Now Narcissus was a good-looking dude and no one appreciated that more than he did. He stared admiringly for a long time leaning in closer and closer to his gorgeous features….until just as he was wondering if the blue of his eyes was aquamarine or sapphire, he fell – kerplunk – into the river As the myth goes, he spent a long time down under the water, struggling for his life. He finally emerged after many challenges, to surface on the other side of the river. Actually he emerged in a different form – as a flower…a narcissus…a beautiful bloom which thrived and delighted all who passed by. He emerged into beauty! Do you see what I’m getting at here?
Yes, there’s some ‘bother.’ Yes, it’s not all fun and games. But there’s a beautiful pay-off to all that struggle. It’s a choice. We can stay where we are…or we can take the leap and emerge into a bigger life. We can’t possibly know when we’re sitting on the edge what treasure awaits us on the other side. Sitting on the edge, we may be over-identifying with our image, with our identity.You are so much more than your image…you can experience your beautifully expanded life, if you are willing to take the plunge.
Why would you want to bring joy and fulfillment not only to your life but to the lives of your loved ones…to your whole village? Keep asking yourself that question, so that you can really commit to making a change…if that’s what you decide to do.
One other thing I want to remind you about. What usually trips us up…that’s exactly where the treasure lies. So ask yourself the question…How could I step into beauty? How could I bring treasure to myself and others?
I’m pretty sure that if you’ve come this far with me, then you are the type of person who is up for adventure. You are ready to go for the gold! Take your time, ask yourself all the tough questions and I hope in the end, you decide to bring your outrageous beauty to the world in a huge way…a whole new explosion of who you are.
I can’t wait to see it!
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