Crossing a bridge is such a metaphor-filled experience …a way to transform…to travel from one place or state of mind to another…to leave the old behind and enter the new…to cross the threshold. Think how many times you’ve seen this metaphor used in films or books or in great paintings. It’s a well-used theme…one we’re familiar with and yet…each time we encounter our own bridge to cross, we experience excitement yes, but also some fear. What will we face on the other side? Is it a bridge over troubled water? Will there be trolls waiting to jump up at us with unreasonable demands? Couldn’t we just stay where we are???
All of these kind of questions are what I want to talk about with you today. We’ve entered the stillness, felt our essential qualities, discovered our natural gifts and are on our way to standing in our authentic Self…with all the gravitas that brings. We will feel like a mountain ..we will experience our Soul Weight. But just as we’re imagining that blissful state……BAM! We are hit with huge resistance…like running full speed into a brick wall! Splat! you’re sitting on the ground, stars circling your head and there in front of you is…Fear…fear of rejection, of abandonment, of success…and feelings of anger or guilt, shame, jealousy or not-enoughness.. Now what??
OK , this might come as a shock to you, but I want to tell you that these resistors are purpose-driven. Yes, they have an important purpose on this bridge. They could be just the right kind of trouble. In Ireland, we always say, you need deeper trouble, lad…but it’s got to be the right kind of trouble. These Resistors can be just what you need to face the challenges ahead….if you can befriend them. What the heck do I mean by that? Constantly opposing them can be exhausting..trying to pretend you’re not angry or feeling fearful can wear you to a frazzle. But acknowledging them and then digging deeper into yourself, can give you the strength and resilience necessary to face what challenges lie ahead.
Sometimes we have to challenge our resistors of course…we can be aware of our triggers and not allow them to colour our every reaction. But what I want to say is this…treat your resistors with respect. They’re part of you and they can lead to an amazing upgrade…a miraculous alchemy.
There can’t be gold without lead. You need friction to create a new combustion. You need this energy to face the beast. Have you ever noticed the cobra that is pictured on the head of the buddha or the creature under the feet of an enlightened being? They’re showing us that some struggle is required to get to the next level.
Does this make sense? Do you understand what I mean when I say that these resistors have a purpose? By befriending them, respecting them, becoming aware of them in all their steamy glory, they can become useful tools in the challenges ahead. They can provide the vitality, stamina and tenacity you are going to need to fulfill your Meaningful Needs.
And that is where we are going next time. This is what you are aiming for…this is where your Natural Gifts will be realized and put into practice. And believe it or not, all your resistors will actually help give you the strength of will needed to reach your goal.
Imagine that your Meaningful Needs create a necessity for you to speak to thousands of people ..on a stage…under yourself. You may have never seen yourself doing this and yet…the strength you built through facing your resistors, the natural gifts you have acknowledged, the essential qualities you possess and the stillness you have experienced in your True Nature…all of this will propel you onto that stage and energize you, so that when you open your mouth to speak, truth, beauty and inspiration will flow. A dream? Maybe, but one that’s about to come true.
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