If you have been working along with me through the Purpose Formula …and I really hope you have… (I love the thought that we are a gaggle of eager faces …all of us holding hands…each of us trudging toward our true purpose)… then we have come to a momentous road sign. It’s a huge big arrow and it is pointing in the direction of our Meaningful Need.
All that we have done so far…dropping into our True Nature, discovering our Essential Qualities, unveiling our Natural Gifts and facing our Personality Resistance…all of this had led us to this point. Now…how do we want to express those wonderful gifts we’ve discovered in ourselves? What need is there in the world that would benefit from what you can bring?
Each person is unique. Many of us may share the quality of compassion; lots of us may have a special gift for leadership. But how we choose to activate those gifts is entirely an individual choice. What issue or group have you always been attracted to, interested in, curious about?
Do stories about neglected children always move you? Do you open the newspaper to the latest environmental research before anything else? The environment is a huge Meaningful Need for all of us and for generations to come. It may be where you want to utilize your strength and imagination.
Are women’s rights top of your agenda? Does autism interest you in a particular way? Pay attention to what draws your attention. This could be a clue to your direction. What is the Meaningful Need in the world that interests you, moves you…even angers you, the most? That anger, skillfully managed, could be the catalyst you need to move in the direction of your next step.
You’re pissed off about the lack of poetry in people’s every day lives. You’ve felt the energy that poetry brings to your life and you want to share that. Maybe you even write some poetry. In your imagination, you can see billboards of poetry, verse in bus shelters, haiku in doctor’s waiting rooms. That’s an idea that feels very alive to you! So, act on it! Network to find some contacts in city planning that might be inspired by your ideas. You’re on your way to putting your natural gift for beauty in words into Meaningful Service to your community.
Do you see how it works? Poetry may be the farthest thing from your interests, but maybe you’re moved by immigrants’ stories or burning with desire to improve undernourished kids’ lunches at school…or you love the notion of more roof-top gardens. Whatever turns you on is a clue to your Meaningful Need. You just need to call on your strength to mobilize toward it.
I really challenge and encourage you to download the Purpose Formula on my website…get started now. If you can’t download it, write me an email [email protected]
If you do that within 24 hours of seeing this, I promise I will give you 20 minutes of my time as a consultation. That’s how excited I am for you to get going on this! Let me know if you have questions. Let’s get moving towards our Meaningful Needs…now!
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