Last time we started diving into finding your True Nature. This is important since it’s the first part of the Formula you can use to find your Life Purpose and move from the Work you are doing to the Service you can bring to your community.
You remember we talked about a pebble in the pool of stillness and I asked you to hold onto that image. Well today I want you to bring your full attention to that smooth pebble and drop it into the pond and watch the ripples extend into the stillness. I want you to spend some time in that stillness and there, you will experience your True Nature.
Come with me on a journey into that natural great peace. Close your eyes.
Start by taking three deep breaths…come into your body… breath into your essence.
Listen to the words of this poem.
Rest in natural great peace
This exhausted mind
Beaten helpless by karma and neurotic thought Like the relentless fury of the pounding waves In the infinite ocean of samsara.
Rest in natural great peace.
That is one way to experience deep stillness.
You can hear this beautiful meditation now by clicking here.
If you can spend at least 5 or ten minutes once or twice a day in this stillness, you will access your True Nature…I guarantee it!
And you can do it in whatever way suits you best…if your way is to go to the music studio, or to make art or to sit in a temple or church or walk in the woods or sit on the bank of a river….just do it! Each person has to find their own vehicle. You recognize the stillness when you experience it. Just keep coming back to it…that’s the important thing.
Bring your attention to it. Your attention is your life, so make sure your attention is on what you want your life to be.
I want you to increase that practice …whatever it is…rev it it more often. Can you do that? You will benefit so greatly by feeling, living, experiencing your True Nature. The world will benefit too….hugely!
We are living in a world that, yes…is enhanced by the internet in many ways, but many of us are disconnected from our insides. We are solely focussed on externals. And so we feel diminished, lonely, meaningless.
Here is the way to counteract that….be the pebble…make the ripples… get to know your True Nature intimately so that you are bringing that to your whole life. This is the life you are living, so doesn’t it make sense to live it from your true purpose?
Spending more time experiencing your True Nature is the first step…the first ripple in the pond…the beginning of more unafraid love.
Watch the love come!
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