I’m here to remind us all that if we can have meaningful relationships in our life, we are going to feel so much more fulfilled, so much happier, so much more involved in the essence of our lives!!
Ok, that’s a lot to say, but I’m not just saying it, i’m going to break it down into 4 chewable bites, so we can digest it and live more deliciously:)
Our world is hungry for acknowledgment. (I’m going to stop with the food metaphors soon…I promise.)
There is so much noise, so much activity all around us and we’re trying to absorb it all …we don’t want to miss anything. But unfortunately we end up missing …almost everything… because we’re too scattered and we skim over the deeper meaning. We end up feeling unsatisfied and still hungry. So we fill up on superficial relationships.
Stop! Let’s get to that meaning….now!
Step One: Acknowledgement
That means first of all acknowledge yourself…your precious self…it’s worth a lot. You have to be deeply aware of your self before you can relate to others. So breathe and look at who you are.
Now you are able to acknowledge another…really see that person …with all their faults and idiosyncrasies …their warts and their gorgeousness. Take the time to truly see them. When we do this, all the externals…colour, race, religion, age, politics, class, gender…all of this fades away and we see the essence. It may be the greatest gift we can give someone…to really see them.
Step Two: Attention
We turn our whole self towards that person. We’re not distracted with cell phones, or TV or social media, or bills to be paid. We simply pay close attention; we listen; we notice. There is a huge power in simply being completely present. So many possibilities are given space …we don’t have to write the script ahead of time…we just arrive and pay attention and what needs to emerge shows up.
Step Three: Deliver Words of Kindness
Whatever we want to say, we choose words that are wrapped in fierce gentleness, compassion, kindness. Our tone is so important. We can talk about problems or difficult subjects as long as the tone is one of kindness. So that means taking a deep breath and centring ourselves first, so we can express ourselves in a gentle tone and avoid ‘getting on the mat.’
Step Four: Acceptance
Now this is probably the most difficult step but if we have done the first three, we are in a much better place to be able to fully accept the other person. It means we let go of expectations and simply accept what is.
You can do it!
It’s essential if we want to experience the joy of meaningful relationships. Try it one step at a time and let me know how it’s going. I can’t wait to hear the good news.
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