From my studio in the middle of Paradise!
I know, I know, my paradise can be anywhere, but right now I’m in a particularly blissful, tree-filled, lake-blessed, oxygen-infused kind of Paradise. And I’m breathing in every particle of it!
Quick review – we’re talking about our three hearts – the first Heart, sometimes called the White Heart comes from the small self and is what’s visible – a daytime heart, if you will. It’s all about Emotions and btw, if we only ever feel love from this heart, there’s nothing wrong with that!
But we can always go deeper and wilder, right? So our second heart takes us inside, into Psyche, where we can access our true purpose in life. It’s called the Black Heart by alchemists, because it goes deeper and darker and we often access Psyche’s messages at night …in dreams. Here’s where the small self meets the big Self..the soul.
Now we’re ready to explore the Third Heart, called the Red Heart. You can think of this heart as being between day and night—-the red of sunrise and sunset. This heart deals with the Self and others. Now the blood really starts to move – dancing joyfully between the two other hearts, connecting you to your deeper Self and to your relationships with others in your life. It’s really about Connection…which is what we all want, right? But we want meaningful connection, not skimpy, fly-by-night kind of connections that don’t go the distance.
I’m kind of jumping out of my skin now as I describe this third Heart…because this is where it all comes together. This is why we do any and all of the things we’ve been talking about for weeks and weeks…why we go for a run or a walk every day – why we meditate – why we journal – why we have courageous conversations – why we are brave enough to be vulnerable – why we practice gratitude – why we commit to unconditional love – why we fully accept ourselves and others!!
All of this is is actually The Self- Inquiry Process. That’s what we’re doing here, my friends.
And here’s why…when we are able to activate our third Heart, we are no longer trying to find love…we ARE love. I’m going to say that again…we are love. What a thrilling idea…and it can be more than an idea…it can be your reality when you access your inner guru, your own wisdom.
You will breathe from your deep Self, you will notice that you are no longer triggered by outside influences…or at least not very often. And if you are, you know what you can do to come back to your Self. You will feel the deep presence of your true Self and you’ll be able to express that Self to other people. You are literally bringing your Gift – your highest Self to the world.
This week I encourage you to open to your third heart…dance the dance of being who you are.
Next time I will try to bring Body, Mind and Heart together…so be sure to jig, two-step or frug your way back to this very spot on the dance floor!
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