Last time we talked about focussing the mind…how that’s going?
That good, huh?
Well, now that you’ve made a start…here are a few things to remember as you continue your practice.
1 . Set Your Intention
What is it you want to achieve? Try to get very clear about it…write it down until you can express it in a few simple words. Keep it simple because you’re going to need to come back to it quite often. Why? Because the mind is a trickster and it will try to pull you off the road and into the brambles—-into negative thoughts and narcissistic tendencies.
You remember Narcissus? He’s the guy who spent a little too much time gazing at his own reflection in the pond. Self-obsessed? You might say so! They even named the condition after him!
All this to say—-you will be pulled away and if you have a simple but powerful Intention established, it will be easier for you to remind yourself about where you actually want your mind to focus.
2. Befriend Your Mind
How are you going to do that? Remember? Treat your mind like it’s a really good friend…with kindness (no beating yourself up when you occasionally fall on your face), with loyalty, with consistency, with conscious listening, with patience, with curiosity, with humour. I know you can think of more ways you can become your mind’s BFF.
Here’s an idea—-throw in the towel!! Sure …just give up…surrender! No more negative mind! It hasn’t helped me so far, so I’m giving it the boot!
3. The Three Ds
No, it’s not a boy band…it’s better than that:)
- Discipline—-you need to keep coming back to your intention…relentlessly, every day…even on weekends:)
- Discipleship—you need to follow your intention like it’s your guru…your guiding light…with devotion and love. If it helps…put it on an altar—write it on a piece of parchment, light a candle, print it on a t-shirt—-whatever works for you.
- Discernment—-you need to be able to tell the difference between what fits into your intention and what doesn’t. This just takes time and practice…you’ll get better at making these choices…I promise you. If you’re stuck, just go inside and listen to your wise self…or get an ice-cream cone…I find that helps just about every situation:)
I’m excited because I think I can feel that you are starting to get this…it’s challenging, but I know you can do it. Remember—it’s a two-way street—-the more you focus your beautiful mind, the more it will serve your highest intention. How can you beat that deal?!
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