I’m still in the woods – in a good way! Are you ready to hear more about your second heart – the one called Psyche? Well I’m excited to share what I know about this crucial part of our human banquet.
Last time we talked about the first heart – our Emotions. If we see how the Alchemists referred to our three hearts, we see them in terms of colour.
They describe the first Heart as the White Heart – light, visible – what you can see on the outside. Of course, like with everything, there’s a range – at one end they may be sentimental, maudlin or superficial. They could also come from old issues and be steeped in black and white thinking. These are the emotions that get us into trouble – the ones coming from our old brain.
In alchemy, the second heart would be called the Black Heart. Now this does not mean evil or negative. This means deep – coming from the source – like these trees around me – they come from deep in the earth – the place that gives birth to life itself.
And finally the third heart would be called the Red Heart – the place of Connection. We’re going to delve into the Red Heart more thoroughly next time.
But more about Psyche…
Picture this for a moment – your small self in a tiny ballon floating inside a huge, ever-expanding circle which is your big Self, or soul. Can you see it? Every night your small self dips into the much larger, darker, deeper arena of Psyche. Dreams happen…and if you’re smart, you’ll keep track of the dreams, because they are Psyche’s messages to you. They are IMs from the source! Psyche is telling you what you need to resolve to make you more alive and full. She is connecting you with your deeper purpose. Seems like a good idea to pay attention, right? After all, you are on your way up Freedom Mountain and these message from Psyche are treasures—- like good hiking boots and a backpack full of protein bars to help get you there.
Even if we’ve experienced trauma, Psyche can help build that necessary Trust we need to move confidently and calmly through the world. If you don’t have trust, you are constantly questioning, doubting and being wary of life – you are half-living. So let Psyche help you build that trust – trust in yourself , trust in your relationships and trust that the Universe is a generous and loving energy.
Now I cant help but think of the wonderful, late Marion Woodman – what a force that woman was! If you don’t know her work, do yourself a favour and look her up. Talk about a deep well of wisdom!!
Marion coined the phrase “justice of wholeness.” She says that Psyche is constantly re-establishing a “justice of wholeness” – wants you to live your life as your ‘whole’ Self and so she is providing opportunities for you to resolve old issues and get you into Aliveness.
So she leaves you breadcrumbs along the path to inform you….all you have to do is listen…deeply…to your inner Guru.
When you hear those messages and act on them, you will be filled with a joy so profound, you will just have to share it with the world! You will overflow with the peace and excitement that comes from living from your true Self. I don’t mean to imply that you won’t see the world clearly – there are a lot of shadows out there – they won’t be hidden from you. But you will celebrate yourself with a deep clarity and an open generous heart.
This week your assignment (if you choose to accept it) is to open your awareness and curiosity – ask yourself, “What is Psyche wanting to tell me?” Spend time journalling. Keep a dream diary. Notice the messages coming from your second heart.
I am pretty excited to get to our next meeting, which is all about Dancing! The third heart – the combination of Emotions and Psyche – the place where it all moves together, in a beautiful rhythm.
Come back for the Dancing!
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