Did you ever see The Truman Show…the movie starring Jim Carey where his whole life is being broadcast live to the nation? Well…I’m not going to go quite that far, but today I want to invite you into my own daily routine of Self-Care. You’re going to come along with me…that’s right! So get a big glass of water, put on your runners and here we go!
I start early in the morning with some lemon water. i also pour some for Caleigh too – she’s a big part of my life. And I feed Roo, the cat…I have to assume she’s grateful, although she acts as if it’s the least I can do for her:) I spend a few minutes out here on my deck and look around…wow! what a beautiful place to live. Attention to beauty, nature and abundance…these are all aspects of Self-Care. Remember the pyramid we talked about last time? Body, Mind and Soul – the three important aspects of taking care of yourself. You can download the pyramid below, so you can fill in the ways you are nurturing all three of these aspects this week.
OK, here I am at the foot of a trail that includes lots of stairs – my way of getting some cardio…and avoiding the dive-bombing crows at this time of year!
Then I run along the Coastal Trail – it’s pretty intense – and I always include a section along the ocean because…well…need you ask?? It is so amazingly beautiful and it’s right here.
Then, I go for a dip…get my whole body right into the ocean…so refreshing and it reminds me that I’m actually a part of nature. It’s not just scenery…it’s who I am! I don’t necessarily swim…I just get under the water …and I can do that just about all year round. OK, I know I might be sounding like an ad for West Coast living, but you can do this wherever you are…you just have to design a plan that fits your neighbourhood. Maybe you can find a river or some trees or even a street where there are gardens or kids playing…whatever it takes that feels healthy for your body and opens your eyes to the beauty around you.
Now I limp my way home…no, just kidding …I stride towards home feeling my body tingling and my muscles grateful for the attention I’ve given them.
At home it’s time to nourish my mind and soul. Of course my mind has already been nourished this morning by keeping my focus on my running. I’m not ruminating or worrying about what else is going on in my life…I’m just focussed on the steps I’m taking , the feel of the ground under my feet and then the sensation of ocean water on my skin. Focus is great mind- nurturing.
My yoga mat is laid out and I’m ready for some stretching and deep breathing…more focus, more body awareness, more going inside. This is a truly satisfying part of my Self-Care.
Now I’m ready to sit in my big meditation chair. I light a candle and look around at some of the objects that have meaning to me and to the art that I love….masks, books, a painting of Shiva that reminds me of the rebirth of everything. Every part of this is nourishment for my body, mind and soul. Now I can close my eyes and go inside and feel gratitude for the body and mind I’ve been given and the soul I am committed to keeping healthy.
Whatever happens during my day, I feel I can embrace it because i have taken care of myself first. I really encourage you to design a routine that works for you…that you can do daily. If morning is not your best time, then find another time of day that suits. What’s important is that you make this commitment to your whole self…to take care of your Body, Mind and Soul starting today.
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