Sometimes I get frustrated and I just have to get it out of my system in a short but colourful rant….that ever happen to you?
Recently another billionaire walked into my office presenting a picture of his life – no joy, no bliss – but lots and lots of money. And he had the idea that making more money was all he needed to do! That, in his mind, is the End Game.
Now don’t get me wrong – there’s nothing wrong with money or wanting to make more of it. We all need some to survive in this world. But – Oh Lordy! I can get myself into a fine twist when I see the many and various ways we distract ourselves from our real goals.
We want the feeling of freedom. We want the joy of intimacy. That is the end, middle and now game…the only one that matters.
How can we possibly attain those goals if we are working 18 hours a day and constantly crowding our minds with ideas of buying more stuff, financing a bigger house, driving a better car, out-mortgaging the Joneses?? It just can’t be done. Please don’t be brutal to yourself.
We must turn our minds, bodies and spirits to Self-Care. It’s just that simple. Then – when we are full – we can enthusiastically kick out that joy into the world and know that it can come from inside ourselves.
I know, I know, how easy it is to be swayed by external distractions. Everywhere we look,— billboards, movie screens, TV and videos are telling us what will make us satisfied. The images are shiny, the actors smiling, gorgeous and seemingly blissfully happy…if only you take this drug or buy this luxury car, drink this scotch and dress like you stepped out of Vogue or GQ. It’s surround-around-distraction!
You know real freedom, real joy has to come from inside…you know that. So we just have to keep focussed every day on our self-care routines….nurturing our bodies, allowing space for our minds to go inside and inviting nature, art, music – all kinds of beauty into our surroundings, so that our spirits soar.
Then we have treasures to share with the world – an endless supply because it’s all coming from inside – from our deep connection to the universal abundance.
So keep it up this week – Self-Care every day – the rewards are boundless freedom and joy!