There are two roads up the mountain. One is called Meditation; the other is called Psychotherapy.
The road called Meditation is wide and deep —-it’s almost like an invisible escalator up the mountain. You close your eyes and simply rest in the natural great peace that you are. If you commit to a daily practice, you will experience your true self…the person you really are…without a mask.
The road called Psychotherapy involves a bit more digging…there are some roadblocks that need to be cleared. Those blocks are often the masks that we have been wearing for most of our life. We may have become over-identified with our role…as a parent, as a doctor or teacher or builder…whatever our career happens to be. Or we might have taken on a role in our family—-the oldest one with a heavy sense of responsibility or the one who never got enough attention. And we have continued to wear that mask…a barrier to our real self. On this road, with the right support, we can eventually remove what doesn’t belong. We can dig into the problem and come up into the light.
Now I want to say that both of these roads are wonderfully useful …they can both help us get to our true identity and live the life we want and enter into that beautiful state of wholeness.
We need to understand the value of both states in our lives….Doing and Being. And there is huge value in combining both. We can take action to get where we want to be—-we can dig in and find solutions…we can see clearly what’s been stopping us and have the courage to let that go. We can also learn the beauty of simply being…by allowing ourselves to be in that state regularly, so that becomes a deeply accessible part of ourselves.
You see what I mean? We need both roads at different times in our lives. They work really, really well together!
Especially now, in this challenging Covid time, you must have noticed that issues, feelings, old familiar triggers, have been coming up more often and with a special virulence. There’s nothing like facing the unknown, to give us a glimpse into what we are still afraid of…or what we may not have dealt with yet.
At the risk of repeating myself, please let me remind you about the importance of Self-Care – the pyramid of physical, mental and spiritual care. If we renew our commitment to taking care of ourselves on all levels, we will be in much better shape to remove what we don’t need and to delve deeper into our selves. We can become more fully expressed…and that’s what we want, right?
You know where I am every weekday morning at 7.31 am PT —I’m doing my Hut Practice…and you are all invited to join me in this simple journey into Natural Great Peace.
I hope to see you there!
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